Dry Eye Disease

About Dry Eye

If your eyes feel burning, irritated, or slightly red, and the symptoms worsen in windy, dry environments or during visual tasks in the evening, you may have a common condition called dry eye.

See your eye doctor, try over-the-counter tear substitute eye drops, or join our study! Participants receive tests, financial reimbursement, and expert care from a dry eye specialist. Call, text, or email us today for more information and take the first step toward relief!
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Are there many forms of dry eye?

There are two main forms of dry eye; tear deficient dry eye and evaporative dry eye. Tear deficient dry eye occurs when tears do not contain enough water. Evaporative dry eye, the more predominant form of dry eye, happens when tears evaporate from the eye’ surface and leads to dryness.

How is dry eye diagnosed

Dry eye is diagnosed by its symptoms and via eye exam utilizing a slit lamp. The severity can be measured with a schirmers test.

Join Dry Eye Clinical Trials

Contribute to advancements in dry eye disease by taking part in clinical trials today.
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